Do Architects have social Responsibility?

There are 100,000 trade and professional organizations in the U.S. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is one of them. Within AIA there are 264 regional and local "components" (chapters) with a total of 85,000 members. AIA is governed by a Board of Directors but there is also a Strategic Council, there are 21 Knowledge Communities, several Advocacy Leadership Teams and various ad-hoc groups on the national level and in most local components as well. Not surprisingly, in such a complicated organizational structure it is hard to detect a clear mission. Non-architects typically have no clue what AIA stands for or what architects actually do, popular films with architects in leading roles notwithstanding. Only 2% of Americans ever sign a contract with an architect. That reality of fragmentation and low impact can be juxtaposed with the reality that architects design a lot of stuff. About 41% of all energy in the US goes into buildings. Annually about 170,000 US Energy I...