The inseparable Twins of Land Use and Transportation

The relationship between land use and transportation sounds like a geeky topic. The twins of land use and transportation usually enter our mind as separate subjects: either as transportation or as land use. Likely we would use more tangible terms such as "traffic" in the context ofcongestion or development,or when another forest is cut down for a subdivision. We see no utility to connect the two, so it is only logical that solutions would come separately, too. Too much traffic? Build more or wider roads! New people coming to a region? Build more houses! We may not always like those solutions, but there seems little that could be done about it, right? Feedback loop diagram (source: J ean-Paul Rodrigue, Routledge 2013) If modern economics began with Adam Smith, modern location economics began with Von Thunen (1826). He was the first to develop a basic analytical model of the relationships between markets, production, and distance. THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. Ther...