Congestion Is Your Friend

Almost everyone has heard about the list of the most congested places in America and how many hours are wasted by "sitting in traffic" and how bad this is for our national economy. Personal experience behind the wheel would certainly support the notion that congestion is unpleasant and a waste of time. Congestion around Baltimore and construction to "fix" it According to the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, travel delays due to traffic congestion caused drivers to waste more than 3 billion gallons of fuel and kept travelers stuck in their cars for nearly 7 billion extra hours – 42 hours per rush-hour commuter. The total nationwide price tag: $160 billion, or $960 per commuter. Washington, D.C. tops the list of gridlock-plagued cities, with 82 hours of delay per commuter, followed by Los Angeles (80 hours), San Francisco (78 hours), New York (74 hours), and San Jose (67 hours). (Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2015, press release ) Yet, many people have come ar...