Water, the Common Element of Disaster

It isn't very scientific to string three events together and turn them into a natural law. However, recent so called "natural disasters" in the US should provoke architects, planners and engineers to ponder the issues and ask serious questions with increasing urgency. Water the issue of the 21st Century, environmentally, economically and socially The three events are the ongoing catastrophic wildfires in central and in northern California, the recent flood that ravaged the small historic town of Ellicott City near Baltimore and the historic floods in Louisiana this week. The nearly 6" of rain that fell on Ellicott City, the 25" of rain that fell on Louisiana in three days and explosiveness of the fire in San Bernadino County all were called "unheard of", "never seen before", "historic" or "a 1000 year event". By all accounts these were not just hyped up assessments of the moment, they are born out by the stats of the past....