The US: Lagging in Renewable Energy, Leading in CO2 Reduction

Anytime the topic of green energy comes up, Republicans think Solyndra and Democrats think jobs. The Republicans think of a failed government intervention that cost the taxpayers money and the Democrats think of flourishing new industries making solar panels. Solar farm on a wind farm: Philippines Both really should think about climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions. The urgency of that is driven home month after month of news that confirm the worst predictions of climate researchers regarding the negative effects of global warming, namely in terms of sea-level rising, storms, shifts in precipitation, polar ice melts and impacts on flora and fauna. How can green energy reduce carbon emissions, or more specifically, how does a post carbon energy system look like? What works and what doesn't? The answers are far from obvious. Most assume that a large part of the reduction has to come from electrical energy production which according to EPA contributes with 30% the largest...