A 2012 Prelude to the Divide Between Rural and Urban America

I wrote the below article for this blog in June 2012, four years ago in the last presidential election cycle. Back then the Maryland Governor was Martin O'Malley who would run briefly for President in this year's Primaries. In 2014 O'Malley's Lieutenant Governor, an insider, was anointed to become his successor but lost the bid in an upset by a Republican outsider. A stunning result in a blue state like Maryland. In 2015 Baltimore experienced a widespread disturbance that rattled the city. The Governor called it a riot and sent the National Guard. The Black Lives Matter movement called it an uprising. The Governor rode into town a few times since decrying the conditions in this city and promising decisive action. But he cancelled the city's largest project in decades, a $3 billion rail project slated to connect the rich and the poor parts of the city. The recognition that anger was also bottled up inside the big city did nothing to reduce the anger in the rural pa...