Why 2,400 people die in house fires every year

Six children were found dead after a fiery house collapse that injured four other family members who escaped from the home in Northeast Baltimore's Cedmont neighborhood Thursday morning, the city Fire Department said. It was one of the deadliest fires in Baltimore's recent history. In 2002, Angela and Carnell Dawson and their five children were killed in a fire in an East Baltimore rowhouse in retaliation for their calling police about drug dealing. In 2007, six people, including children, were killed in a fire near Green Mount Cemetery. In 2010, three children and three adults were killed in a fire in the East Baltimore Midway neighborhood. (Baltimore SUN, Feb 19, 2017) Baltimore Cedmont neighborhood: Six children perished That a fire in an older house can kill six people of a single family is unfortunately not a freak occurrence that practically never happens. It isn't even only a result of historic building techniques with inherent risks such platform framing or the lac...