Borders - Cities, States and Nations

"There is no document of civilization that is not at the same time a document of barbarism". Walter Benjamin Police is beating up Catalans who vote for independence, America wants to build a wall, Putin sees Ukraine as part of Russia, Syria is mired in chaos, Kurds remain without a country, and the European Union is shaken by Brexit; these are all manifestations of how problematic the various definitions of nation states are and yet, there is so much renewed fixation on this brittle construct that some feel reminded of the festering crisis before WW I, over a century ago. In a world of instant communication, unprecedented awareness of global issues such as climate change, and gigantic global migrations this state of affairs is shocking. walled city of Carcassonne, France Meanwhile cities absorb most of the population growth around the world, take on the global migrations and engage in worldwide exchange. “The Syrian crisis was a turning point in so many ways. Not just becau...