
Showing posts from April, 2018

NGOs- not elected, not accountable- but ready to save the world?

When the Yale University's U.S. Health Justice Collaborative recently organized an event under the title “ Paved With Good Intentions: White Saviorism and the Nonprofit Industrial Complex " they hit a nerve. The event space wasn't large enough to hold the nearly 1,300 people that had declared interest and had to watch a live-stream of the event. Yale event In September of 2017 the Haitian government announced that it had banned the operations of 257 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Haiti because they were disconnected from the priorities and needs of the Haitian people, according to the announcement. The Minister of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE), Aviol Fleurant, [said] that it was necessary to get Haiti out of the conceptual state of welfare, to move it into real development, [he]said that the 257 organizations had violated a September 14, 1989 decree regarding their functioning. Mr. Fleurant said that these institutions must finance what the Haitian pe...

Forget the EPA Ruling - Gas Cars Will be Obsolete by 2025

No matter that EPA chief Scott Pruitt wants to roll back the phase Corporate Average Fuel Economy ( CAFE ) standards of 2015 which require  fleet gas consumption to be cut in half over 2010 values by 2025, this horse is out of the barn.  It will matter little what Pruitt does with the CAFE standards The brewing federal fight is not just between California, which vows to maintain the higher standards,  but also with the rest of the world. Chiefly it won't be a fight about regulations but fighting economics and technology. Clearly the US government doesn't have an enviable position in this. It can't possibly win because nothing that becomes as uneconomical as the privately owned internal combustion engine car will endure in the long run, no matter how many incentives it has been given and no matter how long it already endured in spite of its inherent non-sustainability. The US is also in a bad position because its auto-industry makes most of its profit from pick-up trucks ...