What Comes After Steel? A Second Chance for a 3200 Acre Brownfield

Sparrows Point tells the story of America, the story of an industrial nation in the midst of finding a place in a post industrial world. Once home to a steel mill hissing and clanking 24 hours a day and employing 30,000 workers who lived in the surrounding communities or streamed in on streetcars, the 3,200 acre peninsula as big as the entire land area of Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) the last 2,000 workers had left what had been left of the plant in 2012 when yet another attempt of giving steel a renaissance in the US had failed and RG Steel went bankrupt. No traces of the past: Bethlehem steel facility before demolition (SUN photo) When only six years later Aaron Tomarchio, Senior executive in administration, government relations, communications and public affairs of a company called Tradepoint Atlantic , steers his company SUV to the gate which secures the southern end of one of the country's largest brown-fields, not only have almost all traces of the steel h...