What Alan Turing Teaches us about Problem Solving

Occasionally the mind needs to wander, be allowed to stray from the familiar pasture and seek answers that are found where they are not expected. That is a lesson that "design thinking" teaches us. So it happened that after watching the movie "the Imitation Game" in which it's protagonist Alan Turing makes remarkable progress in problem solving, it seemed that the film offers inadvertently a set of instructive lessons about how to solve problems and how to design, neatly packaged for evening entertainment, no less. Alan Turing, Mathematician Alan Turing was a British mathematical genius, who can be seen as the inventor of the computer ( Turing Machine ) and definitely was the one who broke the German WW II code which was produced with an encrypting machine called Enigma . Although dead since 1954 his name has been in the news lately because of a pardon Queen Elizabeth gave him posthumously in 2013 (he had been convicted of "indecency" because of homo...