The future we must dare to imagine

“When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters ― Seeing major cities and communities being battered by two hurricanes in as many months with a third in the offing, two earthquakes shake one of the world's largest metro areas in the same time frame and Los Angeles battle a major wildfire can make the future look like a threat, for sure. This article argues for defining future as a promise, instead. People don't like to imagine terrible possibilities and usually avoid it until calamity stares from every TV screen. Then humans tend to take refuge in actionism and after that avoid thinking much about the future altogether. Pragmatic humanitarian action, collecting clothes, bottled water and teddy bears or even volunteering in person. Taking individual responsibility and action instead of solely relying on institutions or government is a laudable very American instinct of coming together in the face of adversity. H...